Create following tables solved queriesStudent(roll_no,name,gender,address,class)Marks(roll_no,sub1,sub2,sub3,total,percentage)1. insert 10 records for each tables2. add the column email_id in student table3. list out detail of student4. list out student detail whose percentage is 705. list out student detail whose class is SYBCA6. add colomn phone no in student7. list out student detail whose total is 3008. list out student detail whose name is raj9. display student of „fybca‟10.display marks of student whose roll_no is 25.11. change student name raj instead of rahul.12.change field name address instead of stud_add in student table.13.list out student detail whose class is fybca14.remove the records of marks table15.destroy the detail of student.
Create following tables with appropriate constrainbillmaster(billno, custno, billdate, billamt, discount)
customer(custno, name, custadd)
1. insert at least 10 records for each tables
2. list out detail of customer
3. list out detail of customer whose billdate “2/1/2015”
4. list out detail of bill detail whose amount is 5000
5. list out detail of customer whose discount 5%
6. add column emailid in customer
7. add column city in customer
8. display the bill detail of customer “Ramniklal”
9. display total amount and discount given to “sailesh” during current month
10.display the bill detail of customer “Nilesh”
11.count the total no of customer till now
12.display all the customer whose name starting with “M”.
13.display the detail of bill no 456
14.display billno,custno,billamt of all bill generated on 10-jan-2012
15.remove the detail of customer whose billdate 2/2/2013
Create following tables with appropriate constrainEmployee(empid, empname, city, salary,emp_id)
Department(dep_id, dependentname)
Position(pos_id,emp_id,dep_id,designation, date)
1. insert at least 10 records for each tables
2. list out detail of employee
3. list out detail of department whose department is account
4. list out detail of employee whose stay in surat
5. list out detail of employee whose designation is “manager”
6. add column dept_city in department table
7. add column emilid in employee
8. list the employees with their department and dept_city
9. count total employee designation-wise.
10.list the employee information in descending order of their names
11.list the employees who are from “Baroda” or “anand”
12.count no of employee departmentwise.
13.count various designation in the department.
14.list the employees who have joined in current month
15.count the employee who have manager as designation and have joined in
current month
book(bid, bname, aid,pid, pub_dt, bprize)publisher(pid, pname, padd, pcity ,pcontect_no)
author(aid, name, add, dob, no_of_books_written)
1. insert 10 records for each tables
2. list out book detail
3. list out publisher detail whose publisher is BPB
4. list out author detail
5. list out detail of book whose name in DBMS
6. list out publisher detail whose stay in VAPI
7. list out author detail whose DOB is 1/1/1970
8. list out author name whose written book is 3
9. Find books details of the author “mr.rakesh”.
10.change name of book c++ instead of OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAM
11.Show details of author in ascending order according to the
no_of_books_written .
12.Find publisher name, author name, date of published of the book “the
white tiger”.
13.Find total no of books published by “raj publication”
14.add column city in author
15.remove the detail of author whose written only 1 book
Conversion Conversion Emoticon Emoticon