Tutorial - 4
Subject : Unix & Shell Programming
1. write a shell script to copy one file into other, display appropriate message if destination file already exist.
2. write a shell script to find a file with maximum size in the current directory, also print the no. of words , characters, and lines along with the contents of file.
3. write a shell script to display date, calender, current directory and list of files using case statement.
4. write a shell script to change all .a extension file to .b in current directory.
5. write a shell script to display currently logged in users and not log in users.
6. write a shell script to display all files of directory without using ls.
7. write a shell script to display message “good morning” or “good afternoon” or “good evening”, whenever you login.
8. write a shell script to made a sum of 1 to 10 number.
9. write a shell script to obtain sum of square of first n numbers.
10. write a shell script to reverse the given input number.
11. write a shell script to generate 10 even number.
12. write a shell script to generate Fibonacci series of given number.
13. write a shell script to find all prime numbers within 1 to 200.
14. write a shell script to input a year and check whether a year is leap year or not.
15. write a shell script to find no. of words from given file without using wc command.
16. write a shell script to accept a string and reverse it.
17. write a shell script to input a word in lower case and convert it into upper case.
18. write a shell script to find all vowels from given string.
19. write a shell script to check whether a given file is exist or not , if it is then display it's permissions.
20. write a shell script to perform following.
a) to display 11 to 15 lines form given file
b) produce the list of birth years, along with the no. of people born in that year.
c) remove duplicate records from the file.
d) sort the list based on month of birthday.
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